*Art is the most powerful communicative language, that helps people to understand each other better, be more open and happy. It helps to harmonize our space and manifest Dream Life we desire. We do not only eat with our mouths, but also with our eyes. Everything we look at affects our vibration and energy. That is why we have to be very careful with kind of images we put in our home and other environments. – Does it inspire me? – Does it bring a positive and conscious message? – Is it created with light energy or not? – Is it consistent with my current life lesson? – Is this what I want to attract to my life? Choose Images that surround you consciously and put those, that help you improve your Life.
This card empowers Faith in Divine Union and Unconditional Love. Although this is the highest vibration that exists in the Universe, on this planet it is such a rare thing that most people have no real example and no longer believe it exists… There are several types of human relationships – karmic, soul mates and twin spark souls. Karmic helps us to grow and better know ourSelves, through different lifetimes and lessons. With soulmates we can build harmonius and peaceful relationship for this Lifetime, as we belong to same soul root family. Twin Sparks connection is transcending the Human experience and leading to ultimately Divine Union and Enlightenment. It’s pure mirror of our own spiritual DNA. Sharing same energetic Blue Print and meant to push each other to evolve and transform ourSelves in all levels. It is not a pleasant experience as it requires burning all limiting beliefs and old patterns to reach full alignment of our Feminine and Masculine energy within our Being first. Only from this inner Union Physical Union can emerge. Couples who reach this evolutional point together create such a powerful energy, which emits the highest vibration on Earth. That has potential to eluminate collective consciousness of all those around them in their World. Becoming truly One being. Completing ultimate Soul mission and purpose – to bring Oneness and Paradise state to Earth.
Interaction with this card will help you strengthen Faith in True Love. Remember that Divine Love begins within your own Divine Soul. Beginning with knowing your True Self, its needs and desires, its Masculine and Feminine aspects (= qualities)… Love yourself, care for yourself and trust in your unique Divine Love Union.
Place this card on your altar, light a candle and meditate with it for 10-15 minutes a day.
Questions that will help you to do internal reflections:
• Am I whole and self sufficient by my own? Can I be alone, know mySelf better, love and put me first?
• Can I see inner Soul qualities or I am attracted only by physical look of my partner?
• Do I seek connection with my partner on all levels: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual?
• Do I want partner in my Life to empower each other or I look for person just to close my needs? Do I have conditional interest in our relationships? (anything like children, money, house, security, running from boredom or fear of loneliness etc.)
• Do I love my partner for who he is, without changing him?
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* Original Art by @Ally.Space.cat, coming as postcards 14×14 cm and high end canvas posters 40×40 cm / 80×80 cm
** Produced by order from 50 pieces. For custom orders and Healing Sessions – please feel free to contact us privately.
*** More cards with Cosmic messenges – https://space.cat/category/art/
**** Sacred Geometry Guide – https://space.cat/sacred-geometry/
Size | 13×13 cm, 40×40 cm, 80×80 cm |
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