SACRED GEOMETRY 25.02.2023 – Posted in:© Blog

Is a technology of consciousness. Backstage mechanics of Cosmic Intelligence, creating itself, the ultimate template, the matrix behind the illusory material world and the key to Enlightenment. It was reflected in all religions and spiritual teachings on Earth through patterns and symbols during all human history. From a snail’s shell to the Earth spinning around the Sun, all follows the Golden Rule of creation. Life might be seen as a chaos only by ignorant one, who still need time to maintain asleep… As soon as you are ready to wake up from the Dream – you start to see the synchronicities, patterns and the perfection of every moment and event in life. Does not matter how do you call the Creator (according to your cultural background and your level of consciousness) – Light, Space, Higher Source, Big Spirit, Quantum physics etc.. God is One and Sacred Geometry is his language to create literally everything from nature to music.

If you’re curious to see sacred geometry play out before your eyes, simply take a walk in nature. “Natural patterns are all around us. Look into the center of a sunflower. A snowflake. The living spiral of a nautilus shell or the horn of a sheep, the interlocking hexagons of a beehive, the underground formation of crystals, the spin of a spider’s web, and the formations of migrating birds — these are all designs and patterns that are so much more than an aesthetic. Not only can sacred geometry be seen in nature, but it can be heard in music, too. There’s a reason the blending of certain notes in music sounds harmonious, while the wrong note can quickly turn a chord into a cacophony. You are observing, feeling or responding to repeating vibrations and patterns of energy.

Human mind hardly can process the numerical perfection this Universe is created by the Divine… But Art can take those combination of learning about the shapes, colors, symbols and numbers to practical level – making Beauty functional and manifesting Harmony and Peace into this World. When we understand how it works and learn to live in accordance with those sacred principles from position of altruism, it will destroys the Ego (source of illusion of separation, all wars and conflicts in this planet). And, finally, It will reconnect right and left circuits of your brain into the Union and let you enter state of receptivity and abundance, which is original home of our Soul.

“God geometrizes” – Platon

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A cause is something that produces an event or condition; an effect is what results from an event or condition. Long story short – karmic law is affecting everything and everyone. It’s time to become responsable for our life and realize that our own former thoughts, words and actions became our present state and right now we are sawing seeds for our future.

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Nothing rests in the Universe. Everything flows in and out in its Rhythm. Everything moves and vibrates. Vibration of your body and mind gonna dictate what you attract by law of similarity. You will feel connected or pushed away from different spaces and people according to your vibration compatibility. When you put your self in the specific frequency – it gonna change the reality you experience. You can rise your vibration throw different activities, spiritual practices, arts, music, environments etc..

The Goal is to move from victim=slave mindset to the creator=king – one, who control his peace incide, does not matter what happen in the external world.

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Nothing in the Universe is in isolation. Everything is connected. Every living creature, including Human body, has toroidal energy field – activated and determined from the center of his heart by size and quality of its MER-KA-BAH (Light main chip – vehicle of our Soul). Its vibration has certain frequency and produces shapes of specific geometry Nets that unite all in the quantum field. Changing the shape and patterns of the Net – you can change the matter.

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Material world is dual and gender manifests in all planes. Everything has pole and his pair of oposite – Masculine and Feminine principles. Since our bodies come through our parents, we have the inner polarity of Masculine and Feminine energies in our bodies. Only in Union of both of them with God material world does appear. Sometimes it takes time to recognize and balance them within ourselves… to be able, finally, to build happy conscious relationships in our family life and creative work expression… Sacred Geometry helps to discover their unique qualities, needs and desires of what they like to do in life through different exercises, meditation and practices.

*magnetic, intuitive, highly spiritual, feeling, radiant, healing, nurturing, compassionate, loving, creating, inspiring, vulnerable, expressive, speaking Truth, opened, surrendered, relaxed, trusting, patient, supportive, empathetic, formless, flowing, feelings/relationships/family oriented, abundant, fiertile, wise, virtuous, soft outside – strong inside, menus, receiving, retention, inhale, joyful, curved, circular, low, horizontal, cold, night, Moon, Heart, left, inner activities, hormons Oxytocin / Extragen, cooperative, space / state / process. Natural needs: being safe/provided, feel intimacy and gratefulness.*electric, thinking, taking action, initiative, stable, secure, protective, highly present, strong leadership without force and control, providing, giving, courageous, assertive, logical, decisive, pupose-driven, reliable, respected, confident, grounded, focuced, disciplined, hard outside – fragile inside, plus, expanding, exhale, sharp, angular, hight, vertical, strong, hot, Sun, Mind, right, day, external / social activities, intense, hormon Testosterone / Adrenaline, competitive. Natural needs: being free and being needed, being himself.

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METATRON CUBE  is the origin of Platonic Solids – all basic geometrical shapes, building blocks of the Universe. Each one represents different Element and brings certain energy and quality into the Space. That directly affects Space productivity, increase its value, rise vibration, improve the lifestyle and have potential to literally heal and enlighten its inhabitant.

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Everything in this Universe expands from initial fractal called Seed of Life. The Seed of Life is a group of 7 overlapping circles that unify in the form of a flower. It represents 7 days of creation, 7 dimensions, 7 colors, 7 emotions, 7 notes etc. The Egg of Life is a 3 dimensional form of the Seed of Life – shape of a human embryo and every living thing on Earth after conception. The pattern is repeating itself to the infinity that can be seen on a macro and micro level, from our smallest cells structure to the stars astral system in infinity. Fruit of Life contains 13 circles. Flower of Life – 19. Circle itself represents feminine, oneness a never-ending loop of life.

The interconnection of 7 spheres of Seed of Life creates the geometrical shape of 10 energy packs (Sefirot) called Tree of Life. This is the Blue print of human Soul.

“As Above so Below. As within – so without” – that means that healing one Tree of Life fractal and balancing your emotional body = Dharma Wheel = MER-KA-BAH within you – will automatically reflect it in all levels of your life outside: material, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. There are also 4 worlds that exist. So… the hole process of human evolution and search for Enlightenment comes to these 10 points and ability to recognize = bring in Light, unpack and balance this 10 energy points. Letting the devine energy flow throw you without limitations and blockages. Transforming carbon being with reptilian past into the Crystal Self.

Lets go through all of them one by one:

*BALANCED state of this sphere give birth to emotions like → crown of light, connection with Divine Source, note Do, planet Neptun
*DESBALANCED (klipot) → disconnection from Divine, materializm or not being present in reality at all.
*BALANCED rational mind, understanding, left brain, organization, orden, analis, scheme, time and form, power of imagination, awareness, awe, spiritual love, faith, emotional intelligence, Saturn, Gabriel, joy, Shabbat, planet Saturn, color Green, Eva – Hava, Lea, note Mi
*DESBALANCED disorganized or too much organized that brings dogmatism, perfectionism, guilt, jealousy, comparing to others, frustration, confusion, boredom, results only search
*BALANCED → intuitive mind, idea, wisdom, feeling purpose of life, meditation, knowledge, right brain, planet Urano, color dark Blue, Father, Miquel, Adam, note Re
*DESBALANCED → feeling disconnected from reality, ungrounded
*BALANCED know to say No and put limits, boundaries, receptivity, power, will, desire, routine, discipline, boundaries, justice, active energy, left shoulder, planet Mars, color Red, Samael, Tuesday, Ishac, note Sol
*DESBALANCED → fear, over use of power or dictatorship
*BALANCED → know to say Yes, to give, be patient, kindness, bondad, mercy, courage, paternal wisdom, empathy, loyalty, right shoulder, planet Jupiter, color Blue, Uriel, Abraham, Thursday, note Fa
*DESBALANCED → giving too much, losing value, being exhausted, feeling guilt, don’t be able to forgive, inpatience…
*BALANCED → Self Esteem, peace, harmony, self love, balance between independence and love, devotion, heart, calmness, confidence, patience, compassion, Rafael, Jacob, Sunday, Sun, color Yellow
*DESBALANCED →all issues of low Self Esteem – pride, feeling I am better than others, narcissism, egoism or loneliness, feeling of abandonment, cannot see self/ other value.
*BALANCED → language, communication, shine, humility, humbleness, honor, triumph, sincerity, majesty, truth, listening, sinceridad, reflective intelligence, modesty, admiration, acceptance, splendor, Tzadkiel, planet Mercury, color Violet, Aaron, Wednesday, note Si
*DESBALANCED → dirty language, disinformation, lie or too much straight with truth that harm others.
*BALANCED → success, pleasure, artistic expression, arts, music, perseverance, continuity, endurance, eternity, prevail, lasting emotions, loyalty, ambition to win and concur, determination, trust, circles, vibration, rithm, Raziel, planet Venus, color Pink, Friday, Moshe, note La
*DESBALANCED → addicted to pleasure – hedonism or rejecting all pleasure.
*BALANCED → social Me, fundament, connectivity, relationships, relations, belonging, bonding, sex, intimacy, union, Moon, color Orange, Yosef, patterns
*DESBALANCED → becoming extrovert to hide from self inner work or introvert without any social connections at all.
*BALANCED → all of the above manifested in physical world, matter, body, temple, kingdom, planet Earth, color Black, David, Rahel, action, presence, service, note Do
*DESBALANCED → attachment to material tings or rejecting matter

There are 22 connections between Spheres, called path to enlightenment. The cosmic intelligences. They correspond to 22 hebrew letters, tarot and 22 psychological aspects that one should develop within:

0. Willpower. Devotion. Patience. Acceptance. Am I patient with me or I demand too much?
1. וֹ. Impulse. Will of action. Initiative. Am I firm or postpone because of daily things?
2. Presence. Expansion of consciousness. Intuition. Mysticism. Trust. Faith. Do I listen to my intuition?
3. Understanding. Interpretation. Synthesis.
4. The discipline. Authority. Rule and power. Leadership with ourselves. Are we in balance within our two columns?
5. Unconcern. Illusion. Joy. Do we enjoy our inner child or do we hide it?
6. Understanding. Idea in development. Independence. Detachment. Do we work or leave it at Stand by because the everyday things.
7. Adulthood. Obligation. Responsibility. Ambition. Are we adults and responsible for our actions?
8. א. Universe laws. Reason plus balance. Love. Order. Summing. Discernment. Morality. Equanimity.
9. Introspection. The solitude. Prudence. Looking in. Do I find these moments of introspection? Do I analyze my Self?
10. Change. Movement towards the future. Are we willing to give way to the future?
11. Outgoing. Social. Look out without judging.
12. Acceptance of my past. Stillness. Immobility. Do i attach to the past for illusory comfort? Can I accept the changes?
13. Emotional intelligence. Every repeated emotion we continue to learn. Forgiveness.
14. Empathy. Flexibility. Am I flexible with me or do I still punish me and have stuck ideas?
15. Remember the information. Memory. The concrete mind. Sacred Geometry base.
16. Perseverance. Overcoming. Learning of Universal laws. Will to move on.
17. נ. Creativity. Individualism. We are creative individuals. Sexual stimulus. What we created we have also thought about.
18. Artistic expression. Sensuality. Emotivity. Direct action through my emotion, to be able to express it.
19. ל. Cooperation. Teamwork. Learning. Sexual union.
20. Mental expression. Teaching. Communication. Do I Express what I feel?
21. Expansion of consciousness. Decision. Action. Culmination.

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The Light is always there…. the Universe is only saying Yes to all of our dreams. Its us, who close the “doors” of our Tree of Life, because of our ignorance, harmful actions and painful experiences in the past… life after life.. creating a lot of confusion.. The thing is.. does not matter do we believe it or not, do we know about it or not – that “Laws of Creation” affect each one of us and understanding it – is the only key out of suffering. So.. How can you use this key in your daily life?

Easy! Simply watching and meditating on Sacred Geometry patterns is already affecting your mind in positive way, cleaning it from stuck impressions, connecting you with higher consciousness and aligning your life with the divine nature. Learning the fundamentals of Sacred Geometry will deepen your understanding of the world we live in and the natural laws that govern it. Studding the principles of Beauty, composition and Golden rule of creation will give you the key to all of the crafts skills that exist. Once you allow your potential and creative energy flow within you, the external reality will also be affected and change naturally.

To go even more deeper – you can introduce Sacred Geometry in your life through using these symbols in fashion as clothes patterns, jewelry and talismans. As well as you can harmonize your space and energies, using Sacred Geometry principles in interior design and decoration as I do.

So many spiritual practices can be amplified by sacred geometry. Even certain yoga poses themselves allow us to get our bodies into geometrical forms that allow for energy flow. To activate these states, balance elements and polarity within you, re-connect with feeling of Oneness – start to meditate with Sacred Geometry symbols, such as platonic solids, pyramid, crystals, Sri Yantra etc. Here is one of them that help you to build and activate your Light Body:

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Preparation phase: find a quiet, comfortably zone for a meditation. Place your favorite crystals and any other symbols around you to create a safe Space for You. Sit in lotus posture with a hand rested on each knee so that you form a pyramid with your body. Take a moment to settle into this shape. Close your eyes. Stabilize your breath through full circle 8 steps workout (take 8 deep breaths in through your nose, drawing the breath down through your spine and up through your solar plexus and heart, out through your mouth). Rise your conscious level till becoming an observer of your body, feelings and emotions with no evaluation. Dissolve matter around you into the Space and focus your mind only on 6 Universal Laws written above.

Building phase. With your third eye, draw two golden interconnected tetrahedron around your body, forming your MER-KA-BAH (light-spirit-body) energy field, as big as you can. Slowly start spinning Sun/Male/Electric tetrahedron clockwise to charge your energy centers and connect you to Zeirampin (higher dimensions). Recognize and appreciate masculine principles within you and all your father ancestors afford to bring you till here. Then spin Earth/Female/Magnetic 20% slower in counterclockwise direction. It will serve to ground and balance the higher frequencies that you are calling into physical reality. Appreciate mother lineage work that was done from beginning of the times. Remember to balance each of 6 Sefirot on the corners of your MER-KA-BAH so your Vehicle can spin smoothly. Once you learn to activate your MER-KA-BAH – it starts to discharge any stagnant or blocked energy in your Self system and activate your true mission in life. Keep spinning and allow your Light Body to carry you.

Visualization. Remember that you are made of light and feel bright white light, entering your crown and enlightening your brain. Going down to your heart, enlightening your heart. Down to ligado – enlightening ligado. And then back up to heart, brain and back. Repeat full circle of enlightening BRAIN – HEART – LIGADO as many time as you can sustain all visualization together. Allow it to wash over you and be absorbed into your organs and every cell in your body. Take some time reflecting on what you’re seeking right now in your Life and visualize that above your head in the higher consciousness state. Try to keep 8 step breathing meanwhile.

Finishing phase. In last circle stop light in your brain – see the light opening your head and fountaining out of your body all around you, enlightening all planet and all beings in it.

DEDICATION. We keep good impression that appeared after this meditation in all life situations for the benefit of All beings.

As all is One.