3D ART 05.05.2022 – Posted in: Space.cat© Blog
Design is a trans-disciplinary profession that unites different creative technique to resolve problems and make a product, system, service, experience or a business better. It is a strategic process that improves a matter of form, function, usability, physical ergonomics, marketing, brand development, sustainability and sales. It bridges the gap between what is and what’s possible. Linking innovation, technology, research and customers to provide new value and lead to a better quality of life. For already more than 20 years we are co-creating wide range of 3D lifestyle items: custom art and furniture, lamps, sculptures, expo stands, fashion, packaging, merchandise etc. Apart of aesthetic solution we use knowledge of materials, technology and manufacturing methods in designing an item to make it easy for production. Usually, we work with other professionals such as engineers who design the mechanical aspects of the product (assuring functionality and manufacturability) and with marketers to identify and fulfill customer needs and expectations.
Product design role is to combine art, science, and technology to create new products to be used and sold. Product design process includes strategic and tactical activities from idea generation to commercialization. Using 3D software and CAD programs to move from concept to production. Products characteristics may include the overall form of the object (colors, texture, materials), specific aspects of the production process as well as the way the product is presented to the consumer at the point of sale.
Industrial Design is the professional service of creating and developing concepts that optimize the function, value and appearance of products through techniques of mass production. That is improving usability, lowering production costs and developing more appealing products. In addition to aesthetics, usability, and ergonomics, it can also encompass engineering, usefulness, market placement, and other concerns – such as psychology, desire, and the emotional attachment of the user. The emergence of industrial design is specifically linked to the growth of industrialization and mechanization that began with the industrial revolution in the 20th century. The first use of the term “industrial design” is often attributed to the Bauhaus – a state-sponsored effort to integrate traditional crafts into industrial mass-production techniques.
Bauhaus was a German art – functionalist school operational from 1919 to 1933 that combined crafts and the fine arts, creating a “total” work of art in which all arts, including architecture, would eventually be brought together towards co-creating a better quality of life. The German term Bauhaus – means literally “School of Building”. The Bauhaus had a profound influence upon subsequent developments in art, architecture, graphic design, interior design, industrial design, photography and typography. The Bauhaus style later became one of the most influential currents in constructivist architecture, design and artistic education. School was founded by Walter Gropius in Weimar and gave space to work for such amazing creators as: Walter Gropius, Hanes Meyer, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and many more. After school was closed during second war, the staff continued to spread its idealistic precepts as they left Germany and emigrated all over the world.
ECO: we work with natural and hight tech materials to create the product.
1ST STEP – IDENTIFYING THE NEED, RESEARCH AND QUOTATION. Meeting with client. Professional look at the potential and capabilities of the project. Building a Project quotation and looking for necessary skilled professionals, suppliers and workshops ready to produce any project’s layouts.
2ND STEP – CREATING A DESIGN VISION AND WORKING DOCUMENTATION. After accepting the quotation and signing the contract, we make all necessary 3D models, on the basis of which the design project is formed. Looking for the best style and design solutions.
3RD STEP – PRODUCTION. Time to build your Dream! After Design Project is approved – we carefully select the production company and workshops for each project particularly, depending on the project needs and budget. To achieve best quality, we control the production part as well and time schedule. Making you free of all organization issues. With this complex approach we can be sure production is fully following Design Vision and timing.
• Sketch project – visualization of the Item.
• Technical project – 3D model with Measurement plan, Specifications of all materials and layout plans.
• Geometrical • Sacred Geometry • Constructivism • Minimalism • Modern Eclectic • Fusion • Hi-Tech • Organic • Fantasy • Classic • Ethnic • Rustic • Boho • Art Nouveau • Pop Art
• Branding
• Concept
If you need help to design your project, send us e-mail or call. We will be happy to help you with project realization. ✈ Worldwide.
➔ ally@space.cat W/a +34 663 23 88 00